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A British government ministry says the number of highrise buildings whose cladding samples have failed a combustibility test at the Building Research Establishment numbered 60 across 25 local authority areas as of June 25.
The ministry for Communities and Local Government says it advised landlords on June 22 about interim safety measures that should be taken if tests show that a building has aluminium composite material (ACM) cladding that is unlikely to be compliant with current building regulations.
The Grenfell Tower fire killed more than 75 people.This guidance was recommended by a panel of experts and includes advice on emerging findings from the Metropolitan Police investigation into the June 14 Grenfell Tower fire, which killed more than 75 people.
(Read "London Highrise Blaze Highlights Fire Systems and Codes.")
A combustibility testing program for ACM cladding is running at the Building Research Establishment (BRE). Up to 100 samples a day are being tested, and additional laboratory capacity could be provided if needed.
Areas affected include the city of Manchester, Camden, Plymouth, Hounslow, Portsmouth, Barnet, and Brent.
The government says that although cladding itself is not dangerous, it is important that the right type is used. Also, a failure in testing does not necessarily mean that a building will have to be evacuated. For example, a decision by Camden Council to evacuate 4 of the 5 towers on the Chalcots Estate was because the failed testing of the external cladding was compounded by multiple other fire safety failures.
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